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* I started the trip with a lot of pain and discomfort, in almost everything and, fundamentally, in my rebirth.

It did not take long for the first station of the route to arrive and at the end, I was already sure that I had chosen a path as different as it was challenging and transforming.

Going through the proposals, letting myself be supported by the group of women and by the tremendous guide that Adri is and was, was encouraging for those moments that became difficult for me; and endless puffs of air for when light and hope appeared.

The tour ended and I thank (once again) the Universe for having chosen me to be part of such a tremendous journey as carefully as it was and is "Inhabited Women." Thanks to my traveling companions (and perhaps they are from life or at least from many more moments), to Adri and to all those who brought us here!

100% recommended trip. From the music to the proposals to those magnificent rituals. *

Dani, Inhabited Women


* "Inhabited Women", a journey to enjoy, to travel, to go inside. A journey of sowing, of healing our uterus, of laying down new healthy and strong roots.

Seven wonderful transformation stations, from reviewing my shoulds and then being able to choose again. Meet my Sage and my wonderful Magician and her wand. Time to weave, draw, become a poet and share beautifully with other women.

Stations of meeting your Wild woman and of healing and reuniting your feminine-masculine.

A beautiful journey towards myself, towards all my women, towards my traveling companions-women with whom I shared healing moments. I want to thank Inhabited Women for this trip.

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Ceci, Inhabited Women

*Hola; soy Alicia y quiero compartir mi experiencia vivida en el viaje propuesto por Adriana llamado MUJERES HABITADAS.â €

Duro el tiempo que tuvo que durar; el de cada una de las viajeras que decidimos hacerlo. Guiadas por nuestra Anfitriona transitamos nuestro interior.â €

En lo personal; pude caminarme y reencontrarme.â €

Volver a ver mi ser en cuerpo y alma, en armonía con los colores del universo fue infinito; bello y desafiante para encontrar la alegría.â €

Gracias Mujeres Habitadas*â €

Mujeres Habitadas ha sido un experiencia que me perimitió Validar mi energía intuitiva receptiva, ralentada conectada con la sensualidad del cuerpo, del vivir. Me ha permitido ver de otras maneras las identificaciones y creencias que he llevado por mucho tiempo. Resignificar el Ser Salvaje y la profunda conexión con nuestra naturaleza. Es volver al rencuentro con lo que alguna vez quedó tapado. Cerrado y protegido  para animarme a abrirlos, correr ese velo y adentrarme en mi verdadera naturaleza ya sin presionarme a hacer y hacer sino a simplemente SER en red con la mirada cariñosa y atenta del grupo de mujeres.

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Alice, Inhabited Women

It is really an experience that I recommend. Thank you Adri for your dedication to craftsmanship in each contact and meeting. Thank you for creating this space so that we can travel and continue to co-create. "Sabrina

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